American, Idle
6 June 2006
CONVERSION NOTICE: This is one of 250+ blogs that originally appeared on MySpace. I’ve done my best to represent it with as much historical accuracy as possible, but there are limitations. Read about it in the FAQ.
Current Mood:
Wow, you are a total arrogant arse! LOL
I cannot believe you quoted someone from a shitty band who claimed they were going to be bigger than the Beatles. For shame!
Just to clarify, Jessica is referring to a quote I had from Noel Gallagher from Oasis… not Peter! It was in that pompous part I deleted sometime after her comment.
What about the crickets of AZ? So much better than the crickets in CA? Or they are all just plain tuckered from the heat in AZ and can’t find it in their winged bodies to make it up north?
You know what they say about local indie girls who compliment your Smiths and Moz t-shirts, eh? Check their id 🙂
I recall that on every business trip to AZ, I always came across some guy with a gold chain bracelet or necklace. Unless your Mr. T, it really is so unnecessary. Seriously. Get some beads and white pants fellas. Aww, doesn’t that sentence make you start to think of Orlie and rounds itself out with Peter???
I would say it even if I didn’t know about the pomade, but your hair does look good these days. Nice wave. Nice height. Nice hold. You definitely look like some foreign pomade has improved your stylin’. And now that I’ve complimented you, get over yourself.
Two sets. Is that even enough? I’m not sure. And I’m all for dickin’ around onstage, but no BFF at popscene. Not a complete night. Thank goodness for FBF presence. 4th Street Tavern and drunkards. They were out and they all smoked and felt the need to walk back and forth in front of the stage. Smokers of the World, Unite and Get A Grip. I’ve never seen you move so fast as when pulling the random drunk kid from your car. So impressed.
Alrighty then. Time to pack up. Head home. There are bands to be seen and heard. BFD awaits BFF.
you’re you’re you’re you’re you’re. I have become my own pet peeve.
I say hiss to anything hot, humid or tan so *hiss*
And please don’t tell me that said polo shirt is tucked into the shorts… please.
How about a new friend moving to SF… like on Monday? Muahaha.
t-rex. yes. <3!