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I Can Tell That We Are Gonna Be Friends

26 February 2006

CONVERSION NOTICE: This is one of 250+ blogs that originally appeared on MySpace. I’ve done my best to represent it with as much historical accuracy as possible, but there are limitations. Read about it in the FAQ.

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7 Comments to “I Can Tell That We Are Gonna Be Friends”

  1. I’m shocked at how modest that last paragraph is. Half-way decent? You know my thoughts on that.

  2. definitely the kent clarke.

    additionally, i’d tread lightly with the taylor situation. i have absolutely no background on that, but i do know one fact – girls never screw you over just once. they’ll be all nice after you make up, then a few weeks or months down the road when you’ve invested feelings again, they’ll completely annihilate you.

    this is me not being jaded and misogynistic. this is me being realistic and pragmatic.

    and please, playa, as long as you look decent, you can get mad play from the ladies that dig tall guys. seeing as how you’re like 7’2 and all.

  3. Well…..the Kent Clarke is very work looking, and the Mens Brogue is more dressy looking…..

  4. I’ve said it in your comments and I’ll say it your blog. BITCHES EVERYWHERE! Duck! Tanya understands the rules now so we need to go to that cafe for her and take care of some biznizz TCB Style.

    My vote: Kent Clarke. Very mod. I like classic lines. The other shoe does not fit your foot or your look. And, uh, if you picked that shoe, then I’ll surely tell you how great it looks nonetheless. Have you ever thought of this? Every time you walk in your cruelty-free shoes, you could be crushing an ant to its untimely death?!? No? Oops. Well nevermind, nevermind.

    It’s not a gay Morrissey shirt. What’s gay about earth tones?!?

    You got Popscene when all I got was Supergrass? And you know, my blue version of that non-gay Morrissey shirt left that GAMH reeking of pot. Popscene would have been more productive and perhaps less smelly.

    Be wary of friends who are really your enemies though everyone deserves a chance. Whether they get more than one is up to you.

  5. Pistol Packin' Mama

    I’d go with the ‘Men’s Brougue’ shoes…they are hot. they are work shoes with a little hint of play in them..that and they are just hot…. ooh no… who is starting to sound like paris hilton here? o’ well.

  6. Kent Clarke for sure! I like the Suit Shoe too… So glad I was consulted on SHOES!! ;o) My fave…

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