CONVERSION NOTICE: This is one of 250+ blogs that originally appeared on MySpace. I’ve done my best to represent it with as much historical accuracy as possible, but there are limitations. Read about it in the FAQ.
Current Mood:
A very merry unbirthday to you all. Hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend. I did! Got to relax and visit lots of friends in what was probably the least traditional Thanksgiving of my life so far.
Before I forget, Morrissey on Wednesday, bitches! I’ll see you all there, I’m sure. He comes by so rarely these days, you know. Who knows when we’ll get another chance! In other news, due to an unfortunate ticket mishap, I will most likely miss the Cranberries on Saturday… unless I come across some reasonable prices and soon. Fiddlesticks!
The Popscene show was fun as usual. We stuck to the Smiths and we stuck to the hits, mainly to keep it accessible and efficient. Rest assured though that we’ve been extra busy learning new songs, and we should have plenty of surprises for the next show (Red Devil Lounge on January 8th). At this moment, we’re just six songs away from knowing all 72 Smiths songs. Holy shitake, that’s amazing, is it not? Anyway, yes the show was fun. Lots of friends showed up. Not my luckiest night though. Ten seconds into “How Soon Is Now?” I broke a string… normally I’d stop the song, but that’s not one that you stop once it starts, you know? Luckily we got through it relatively unscathed. Then while cleaning up, my main gitter (that black 335) fell over or was knocked over. After assessing the damage at home, it’s got a new ding on the side, and a tuner was yanked halfway off the headstock. Tuner’s shot and its screw holes are stripped. So that’ll be $65 in parts and ??? in labor to get it fixed, damn it. At least it’s got more character now, right? That’s what I’m trying to tell myself. And for the hat trick, I went to load in my car as I left the club only to find my car with a flat tire! Thank God for AAA and real men. Could I have changed that flat? Of course, but why am I paying for AAA? Let them come out and do in five minutes what it would have taken me a half hour to do… at 3am… in the cold Thanksgiving night… alone in a back alley… after wearing myself out at a show.
The good news there was that Big-O replaced it free, aside from the cost of my time the next afternoon. While I was out driving that next day, I caught my self weaving in and out of traffic a lot around the city. I had to wonder, do I really drive that fast? I don’t generally care if I’m zooming along at top speed, I’m just concerned about makin’ lights. (I gotta make those lights, son!) It drives me nuts to miss a light because someone else is not paying attention. For some reason, the city was full of the clueless this weekend. And while I’m rambling about city driving, I saw a guy on a Van Ness island asking for spare change/food… and talking on a cell phone! I mean, was someone making a political statement here? Was this like performance art? Or was it real? Because I think it was real. I thought it was pretty shameful, but am I just out of touch? I guess maybe a cell phone really is considered a bare necessity these days?
And now, a dedication to a friend who just moved to Oakland this weekend…
As of 2023, the video I had embedded here — which as I recall was a satirical tourism advertisement for Oakland highlighting its many problems — is gone or at least was made private. Here’s hoping it pops up again someday.
So I finally finished Goddard’s Mozipedia — all 500+ pages of it — and I am happy to report that it was well worth the effort. It took me August through most of November, but I learned a ton. I really enjoyed the tidbits on songs that never were. Some of my other favorite entries were the ones covering Mozzer’s more controversial viewpoints, and in fact my favorites were the entries on vegetarianism and Margaret Thatcher. If you read only a few entries, I recommend those. I wish I could reproduce them here for you. Powerful stuff, I thought. My only criticism of this massive textbook is that it’s a little heavy on the actors/movies/television influences, all good stuff to know, but not always so interesting to read about (speaking personally).
And finally, a question I’m afraid to ask: is MySpace dying? I continue to prefer it to all those other sites. I like the flexibility, and I like the robust music infrastructure. But I can’t deny that in recent months I’ve noticed a rapid and growing lack of activity among my friends here, while Facebook seems to become more popular. I don’t see the appeal of having to rebuild everything for yourself over there when it’s already in place here. What happens when the next big site comes along and FB dies (remember Friendster anyone)? Then off to a new site? Rebuild your whole network again? All these competing social networking sites just seem to dilute the value. If a site came along that could “talk” to MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, etc. so you’d have a one-stop-shop, now that would be valuable. Then you wouldn’t have to maintain statuses on several sites, etc. I know, I know, one world currency, communism, etc. Whatever. I’m just saying… too many cooks spoil the broth.
“Lord, I confess I am not what I ought to be, but I thank you, Lord, that I’m not what I used to be.”
— Maxie Dunnan