Rooted In The Me
5 October 2008
CONVERSION NOTICE: This is one of 250+ blogs that originally appeared on MySpace. I’ve done my best to represent it with as much historical accuracy as possible, but there are limitations. Read about it in the FAQ.
Current Mood:
oh, *I* know when you’ll be one-handed-texting, big sexxy! 😉
I think you should give Verizon a try. I’ve been with them since the beginning. Granted I live in the South Bay but even when I am in the city I haven’t had an issue with coverage. I like simplicity when it comes to phones and I always find one that meets my needs. I don’t like all that extra crap that comes with phones these days. Too complicated is right. Easy to use is all I need. Anyways they’ve been good to me.
I think this was my fav blog of yours. It was very raw and honest. Thanks for opening yourself up and sharing. I think you are right on target with all your life questions about where your next step should be or what path you should take, etc. I’ve been there multiple times myself. Kind of doing the same myself right now as well. You can only be stagnant for so long and then you start to get restless. Wanting more in life than what you are doing or where you are going at the moment. I hope you get the clarity you are searching for. Actually I know you will when the time is right. 🙂
I could go on with so much more but I will stop and be done. Hope you have a good week! I will check out Tiki Farm and see what I can do too. 😛
P.S. Yeah I agree Palin makes me very afraid.
O-B-A-M-A C-L-U-T-C-H! 😀
Dude yer harshing my mellow….