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As Always, Rocking Your Socks

CONVERSION NOTICE: This is one of 250+ blogs that originally appeared on MySpace. I’ve done my best to represent it with as much historical accuracy as possible, but there are limitations. Read about it in the FAQ.

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8 Comments to “As Always, Rocking Your Socks”

  1. * *Charlene DeeVille* *

    FUCKEN LES PAUL – mine Mine mine…. you know that eventualy if you didnt give it up,,, I would find a way to get it anyway,,,,,,,, legaly or not 🙂

  2. Ok so…I like your new graphic. Better than the previous one. Not that there was anything wrong with it but I just like this one better. 🙂 Congrats on finding your white Levi jacket. Hope you will get one. Oh and your glasses too. They are very nice. Can you see more clearly now? Flight Of The Conchords sounds like it would be a good time. I could always use some funny in my life. Hopefully I can check it out too. Oh yeah that piggy guy was just scary and still gives me the creeps thinking about it. Quite unsettling. And finally um yeah Club Gossip…well it just was…I’ll just leave it at that.


  3. Although I am honored to have made the quote of the week for the 2nd consecutive week in a row…I hate you for posting that! 😛

    So do we have an update? Is there a brand new gleaming white Levi’s jacket hanging in your closet?

    • Let me explain something to you… that gem was just too good not to share with the world. As for the jacket, it turns out that I’m not exactly who Levi’s was tailoring to for their new line of “slim fit” jackets. It’s cool though. I am mere seconds away from ordering one from their site at one size bigger than I normally would. In a week or two, you will be able to witness the glory.

  4. Long time listener, first time poster.

    So…you’re running around having so much fun in SF that you end up seeing the same people too much? And THIS is your complaint du jour?


    Please ignore the embittered and overworked parent.

    P.S. Two Kudos for Ludo’s. Great blogster, plus I’m on a bad rhyming kick.

    • Well, Ludo references aren’t for everyone. But I’m glad you appreciated it. Bad rhymes always make me think of one thing:

      “Stop it now, I mean it!”
      “Anybody want a peanut?”

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