North, South, North, Southwest
15 August 2006
CONVERSION NOTICE: This is one of 250+ blogs that originally appeared on MySpace. I’ve done my best to represent it with as much historical accuracy as possible, but there are limitations. Read about it in the FAQ.
Current Mood:
Such is the life of a rockstar!
Is that a grey hair I see?
i heart you guys, seriously! you have made me a Smiths fan for life!! thank you! i hope your loneliness goes away…you got a friend in me!
I’m sorry. I feel like I let you down. I really wanted to see you and go to at least one of the shows. My company BBQ was this past weekend, and between that and work (yes, on the weekend), my time and energy were pretty consumed.
I guess this means I just have to come to San Francisco and make it up to you! I heart you!
Yes, come to SF and you will be forgiven. As long as you didn’t just totally forget about me, it’s OK. 🙂
How many views and counting? “I read yer blogs.” Ha! I love Peterisms.
BFF, I <3 you.
Sounds like quite an eventful weekend!! Awesome!
Sorry to hear you’re feeling lonely
Ben-jamon – You left out some of the most important things we learned on this trip: The cleveland steamer, The glass bottom boat, The rusty trombone, The chili dog, The Manhatten transfer, and The Angry Walrus. Heheh.
Thanks for letting me play in yer band 🙂
Somebody needs to splain these to me!!! No fair! No fair I said!!! grumble grumble
I only know what one of these is and I won’t say which. Bet they all involve some sort of Happy Ending. Perhaps I should ask Orlie…
Thanks for the birthday wishes! I was so sad to not be your van girl this trip. Alas, the life of an athlete. 🙂 What does a groupie like me have to do to get a t-shirt??
Well in answer to Majik Shel’s question, I guess I should point her to Nick’s comment. Of course if she has questions, I won’t be able to clarify anything for her…
I thought you can’t wear clothes more than once in Hollywood. Someone better tell Good Charlotte. They’ll want to do something about that. This was taken August 10th. Saw it in my People magazine today. And we saw him on what, the 12th/13th?

I’m having too much fun with yer blog.