Out Of The Frying Pan, Into The Icebox
13 February 2006
CONVERSION NOTICE: This is one of 250+ blogs that originally appeared on MySpace. I’ve done my best to represent it with as much historical accuracy as possible, but there are limitations. Read about it in the FAQ.
Current Mood:
i hate when people just lean back their plane chairs immediately after take off too. it’s rude as shit. in my opinion, people should be required to request permission from you, kind of like asking if you can work in with someone at the gym instead of just pushing them off the machine.
the way the whole seat reclining paradigm is structured now, it’s almost like a reclining arms race and cold war. they recline, so you have to recline. because you reclined, the person behind you reclines, and so on. it’s like living under an unstoppable facist regime of trying to be more comfortable in a 6 inch space of breathing area.
You mentioned me in your blog!!!! OMG!!!
Oh and yes, you do sound like you could use a hug! 😉
Best thing I saw was a commercial for a privacy screen for your laptop. I hate snoopers. Bue people feel the need to wonder if someone else’s life is more interesting than theirs.
I’d give ya a hug!
I think we’re gonna need gang signs or jackets. Or both. And definitely a theme song. What song of The Smiths is total kick ass. Sheila Take a Bow? Watch out cause we’re gonna boot the grime of this world in the crotch dear. Maybe we leave out the word ‘dear’. I think Orlie should walk in front telling people to fuck off as he drinks a shake. Maybe we all drink shakes and make that annoying straw noise when the cup is empty. Like nails on a chalkboard. I just totally made our gang sound and look quite gay, didn’t I? Nevermind.
To avoid anyone seeing my dandruff, I just travel first class. Problem solved.
My hug Sat night was probably more of a cling as in I missed you more than BFF life itself / Don’t leave town again. Actually, I think those were the words uttered when I was hugging you. BUT we cannot get by and enjoy the things we love without work. It is a fact. So for that, we must appreciate it. But we do not live by it. Therefore, uh, find a new job. And hang out with me more.
Sirius Radio ~ that was my present to Nut Job for V-Day. Sorry BFF, didn’t get you one but you’ll still like yours when you get home & check your mail. Or at least you’ll laugh at it. It’s a BFF theme gift. I’m good w/theme gifts. You do love and you are loved. Never doubt that. And never be afraid to question people’s intent. Because why they love you is as important as having someone say the words.
Bet after you drank the grape soda, you had grape-flavored burps all night.