Unlike your glorious dental health, I actually had to make an appt to see a dentist in a couple weeks for the first time in like 10 years. HA. Awhile back I cracked a tooth from my tongue ring, then I flossed and a small chunk came out (did I tell you about this before?), but that was not enough to make me go to the dentist then…but now it hurts, so I am finally resigning myself to go. I am not happy about it, either. *sulks*
10-15 minutes? To brush YOUR teeth? You brush them at least twice a day, and each brushing is probably around 10-15 min. That means you’re nearing the half hour mark per day, my friend.
YAYAYAYAY! I had a good birthday! 🙂
Unlike your glorious dental health, I actually had to make an appt to see a dentist in a couple weeks for the first time in like 10 years. HA. Awhile back I cracked a tooth from my tongue ring, then I flossed and a small chunk came out (did I tell you about this before?), but that was not enough to make me go to the dentist then…but now it hurts, so I am finally resigning myself to go. I am not happy about it, either. *sulks*
10-15 minutes? To brush YOUR teeth? You brush them at least twice a day, and each brushing is probably around 10-15 min. That means you’re nearing the half hour mark per day, my friend.