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Live From The Atlantis

10 February 2005

One Comments to “Live From The Atlantis”

  1. The Queen is Jessica

    Hmmm…I’m an ex-girlfriend…and I am not getting married. I’m not even engaged! I’m in a domestic partnership. We are going to be sharing a bank account soon…but not married soon! Someday!

    Also, your parents are moving? You never told me. NEGLECTFUL FRIEND.

    Your cure is always in a Morrissey song (you should know that by now):

    “Won’t somebody stop me
    From thinking
    From thinking all the time
    About everything
    Oh, somebody
    From thinking all the time
    So deeply, so bleakly ?
    So bleakly all the time
    About everything ? (Who I am, how I ever got here)
    Somebody stop me
    From thinking
    From thinking all the time
    So bleakly, so bleakly
    So bleakly all the time”


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