Sites, Sounds, And Punks
12 March 2006
CONVERSION NOTICE: This is one of 250+ blogs that originally appeared on MySpace. I’ve done my best to represent it with as much historical accuracy as possible, but there are limitations. Read about it in the FAQ.
Current Mood:
Is that what you were shopping for at Guitar Center a few weeks ago? Very cool in a Gretsch kinda way. Crap. I can’t even pronounce it when I am just typing it. Gretchhhhh. The ‘s’ is screaming to be pronounced.
Mozzer and Oscar Wilde
James Dean (flyer in top left corner) and a Nut Job. Scuse. “Scary”
Here’s some of that stage presence you mentioned
This Charming Nick Talkin’ Pillow Trash.
The Leader of the Pack
Graffiti wall with a Gang backdrop
I’m pretty sure the teenagers stumbling into the bathroom were 14, not 15. The thought of those scrawny kids doing it in the bathroom makes my fallopian tubes cringe.
When they’re big, the pictures will get bigger too.
The website is amazing. It has the class of The Smartest Man Ever all over it.
After I got your email and checked where the show was, I realized you said “they’re playing in Berkeley” and not “they’re playing at Gilman”, which led me to believe you’d never been there.. which led me to giggle a lot at how horrified you would be. if you go look at my comments, there is a pic of me right now practically laying on that stage under a gang of people at the last All Bets Off show a month ago. Sick. I swear I don’t have scabies though.
I will be there next time when I have more of a notice and don’t already have something planned!