Bad news on the doorstep…
CONVERSION NOTICE: This is one of 250+ blogs that originally appeared on MySpace. I’ve done my best to represent it with as much historical accuracy as possible, but there are limitations. Read about it in the FAQ.
Current Mood: quiet
A little after midnight tonight will mark the 50th anniversary of the tragic Iowa plane crash that killed Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and The Big Bopper. Talk about some amazing careers cut short. There was a lot of music left in those fellas, no doubt.
But to add a little levity here, did you all see the new Moz single sleeve? Totally unexpected, and yet somehow it fits. I guess he’s got a few tricks up his sleeve yet. But before you even ask, don’t expect that pose from TCB on any upcoming flyers. (Send your complaints via comment to the TCB MySpace.)
I actually had a pretty good weekend, myself. Saturday night I dropped by that benefit show in Brisbane. The music was alright, got to see some friends I don’t see too often, and meet some new ones. Nick, Charlene, and Amy have all documented the night in pictures. I liked the place too, so hopefully there’ll be an opportunity to go back sometime. And then as much as I uh… wanted to catch the Superbowl… somehow I managed to skip it completely, and spend the afternoon comparing Smiths riffs with Peter. It was one of the more rewarding Superbowl Sundays I can remember having, frankly.
Can I just make a quick mention of what is admittedly an easy target? WTF is with Rod Blagojevich’s hair? It’s somewhere between Anton Chigurh and Dan White, and that’s not cool even in an ironically hip way (though I’m waiting for this haircut trend to hit the Mission). Why is it guys like that — and Donald Trump comes to mind too — who have the most ridiculous hair are also the ones who are so protective and fussy about it? In all seriousness, I don’t trust anyone whose perception is that far off of reality. If you are that defiantly guarded in the face of overwhelming evidence that you look absurd, well then… I don’t know what to do with you. Kind of sounds a bit like some of Blagojevich’s other problems recently, eh?
“You’re so square — baby, I don’t care.”
Benjamin, turns out Im enjoying the very same album on vinyl as I read this! And yes, the Moz sleeve- good lord. He really does look fairly fit though for an any day now 50 year old gent 😉
Speaking of Blagojevich, youtube him on DL Hughley Breaks the News. Hughley’s like in love with Rod AND his horrible coiffure!!
So then if not this new sleeve, then perhaps the, “Arse’nell,” one? I can’t spell tonight, and I’m having odd joint pain. Being on the verge of 29, is no fun. I’m becoming arthritic! Where was this warning? 🙁