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A Victory In The Fight Against Lotion

22 October 2008

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9 Comments to “A Victory In The Fight Against Lotion”

  1. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen carob at Whole Foods in the baking section. I would guess it might be at Rainbow grocery, too. For Halloween, there is Morris Day and the Time at the Grand in SF on Halloween night and the Dead Man’s Party over at New Wave City on Nov. 1st. And of course, my party out here in A-Town on Nov. 1st too.

    Hey, Sus lives over here right? Y’all are welcome to drop by!

  2. Blech – you are right, no me gusta carob. It is gross.

    I concur with Miss Tish – the hippie food places are where to go. Whole Foods & Rainbow – though if you go to Rainbow, let me know when and I will go with you. I love that place, even though they don’t have any meat.

    But the cheese — oh the glorious cheese!!

  3. Yay on the anti-lotion find! Never heard of it either.

    Tish is correct about Whole Foods and their carob selection. I would buy carob chips there just to snack on when I was craving some chocolate. Which is all the time.

    As for Halloween, Atomic at The Blank Club is having a shindig if you want to venture that way.. Some of the South Bay Krew will be there and me too. I’m going as a black cat! 🙂

    The Smiths related event is tomorrow night at Catalyst Cocktails. On the corner of Harriet and Bryant between 6th and 7th. Should be a good time and hopefully not as crowded as Gossip was last month. But the place is really kick back. Lot’s of couches and booths to just sit and chill with friends.

    So happy it’s almost Friday! And if you need any more answers to your questions you know where to find me! 😛

    • Ha ha… thanks for addressing them all! As for tonight, I think I will swing by the Catalyst for a little bit at least. I guess it’s supposed to be like an LTB?

  4. My secret love is Tiger’s Milk bars and guess what. That coating, not chocolate but glorious carob. As you know, my parents were hippies/beatniks so I grew up on the stuff. Try a Tiger’s Milk bar. They come in a bunch of flavors but all of them have carob. I just bought a bunch at Trader Joe’s for 69 cents each!

    • Exactly… me ma was a bit of a hippie too. I guess carob was all the rage in those days. As it turns out, I actually LOVE Tiger’s Milk bars. Never knew it was carob on them though! Not that you can really taste the carob so much on those… but now I’m craving them just the same. 😉

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