The land that I stand on is mine.
7 August 2008
CONVERSION NOTICE: This is one of 250+ blogs that originally appeared on MySpace. I’ve done my best to represent it with as much historical accuracy as possible, but there are limitations. Read about it in the FAQ.
Current Mood:
Holy Hell, 30?! I can’t believe it.
It honestly gets better… did I just say that?
Anyhow, I SO super dig the art, and wish I could be in town to snag a poster, if they do happen. Who do I have to bribe to have one mailed? Hmm? Hmm?
I’m sure something can be arranged. But hey, don’t you do this very sort of thing for a living too? Maybe next big show we can rent your talents for a poster?
i’m scared of turning 30 too!!
DAMN–i was hoping you’d get a band portrait by Sir Black, but this one’s nice as well.
Well mayhaps we’ll use him again for another big show. Unless you’d like to model for us?
You mentioned me in your blog!!!!
Yes! Now teach me stuff! 😀
You know, I remember when I turned 20 I spent quite a while pondering the dramatic changes that took place in my life in the course of that decade. I marveled at how a being can change so much. However, now in the midst of what you so eloquently call a “quarter-life crisis”, I’ve come to realize that the changes that occur in one’s life from the age of 20 – 30 are probably the most dramatic. Discounting the whole “going through puberty” nonsense, 20’s are the years where you truly solidify who you are and what you are about and. And it is rather a hassle to have to go through all that. So, embrace it. Thirty can’t be so bad. Or at least I’m assuming. I’ll let you know how I feel about it in 5 years.
I’m with you. I still have almost a year left, but tick tock…
I’m a musical Yoda! Swweeeeettt! so much better than viola-bitch! 30’s not so bad after you pass it completely! Then you’ll invest in wrinkle cream instead of guitars…a welcome relief, right?
I can’t think of a damn reason I couldn’t come to TCB @ Slim’s. That’s all I’ll say. 😀
Erm… yeah. A real relief. If there’s any silver lining, it’s that men get more “distinguished” with age. You ladies just get older. 😀
Well perhaps you’ll actually get to come see what I’ve learned the past few years, Master Yoda.
woahhh me likes the gutiar…
and you had to mention the 30 thing too lol i think the say the 30’s are the new 20’s to juss make u feel better lol..ughhhh its coming up too, suxx
Everyone who says that is already in their 30’s! They have to say that! Well you’ll be crossing over to the “other side” before than I will. I’ll be watching you closely for any 30’s-related changes. Like a zombie! “Stop! You can’t help her. She’s one of them now…”