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We Have Lift-Off

CONVERSION NOTICE: This is one of 250+ blogs that originally appeared on MySpace. I’ve done my best to represent it with as much historical accuracy as possible, but there are limitations. Read about it in the FAQ.

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3 Comments to “We Have Lift-Off”

  1. Yay I got a mention again!! *smiles*. Slims is on my calender as well! Check it out.

    *runs to go pee* 🙂

  2. Embrace the office supplies and they’ll organize you.

  3. this blinkered lush... (Joyce)

    Pardon the language but CRAP! Crappitty, crap, crap! So I reached for my schedule request binder at work today, and the weekend of the 29th has been closed off. I am soooo excited for you guys! Congratulations!!! Slim’s is awesome!!!! Hope to make it! Have fun this weekend! Wish I could be there, but well… my reasons for not going to the L.A. show are keeping me from making it to Club Fred. I’ve been looking forward to it since March. My grandfather’s younger sister is in town from Southern California, and other family members are coming by to see him this weekend. yeah… that’s all I’m going to say. Oh, “The Honeydripper,” is out on DVD now. Saw it in the store the other day, and if you’re longing for 1994… or whatever year it’s set in, “The Whackness,” had me surprised.

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