Munich Hair Disaster, 2008
8 April 2008
CONVERSION NOTICE: This is one of 250+ blogs that originally appeared on MySpace. I’ve done my best to represent it with as much historical accuracy as possible, but there are limitations. Read about it in the FAQ.
Current Mood:
Take a pic! I want to see your new and improved pompadour. Congrats on your friend getting married and I’ll go to Hawaii in your place. 😉 I don’t think your too old, (not sure about the lazy part :P) to be dancing on pedestals. Although I probably wouldn’t have done it but that’s because I would have been to afaid of falling off or not being able to get up/down in a ladylike manner not because of being too old.
That was a great moment though!
I’m still weary on clicking on links…i have no desire to be rick rolled.
i am happy you tought your hair a lesson, when i had my bangs i had those days and oh my gosh it was hell, if i had bad bangs i had a bad day. How sad that hair can control how you feel. and i dont know if you do this already, knowing how you are about cleanliness, but try washing your brush or comb you use and that can sometimes help.
Shit yo, if you won’t even attend your old best friend’s wedding in Hawaii, how on earth am I going to get you to Nicaragua? I think we were going to ask you to be in it! Hmph!
Exploding Dog gives me the “punch in the stomach” feeling. Heartwrenching!!