It would have been — could have been — worse than you would ever know.
2 September 2007
CONVERSION NOTICE: This is one of 250+ blogs that originally appeared on MySpace. I’ve done my best to represent it with as much historical accuracy as possible, but there are limitations. Read about it in the FAQ.
Current Mood:
Drunken mountain of a woman she was. Timber!!! You mean you miss Edgar crouched behind you in the corner of the stage? So cute!
Let’s discuss post-show events. You were Nick circa March 2007. Then you made friends with wallflowers. Got run over by some sort of cable car. And struggled to take a normal photo with me. All reasons why I don’t makeout with you onstage. Learn to cock block Teddy!
“5lb balls!!!”
“Ram the charge into the breach!”
“The pick doesn’t always cause a spark.”
“Wet spot?!?” oh….”Wet sponge.” Wait, that’s not any better.
That Sutter guy was so malnourished he only had one eyebrow.
I am never going to be allowed into a fort again. 1) Because when I go with you, we sneak in the back entrance and don’t pay And 2) I giggle at everything that could be construed as dirty.
You know Edgar would not have stood for that shit. And can I just say that I am amazed at how well those wall pictures turned out? I actually look happier in those pics than I do in pics with actual people.
As far as the fort goes, we were totally on the fife band’s guest list. And I can only imagine all the elementary school field trips that come to that place… I bet you’re the first person to make a “wet spot” joke there. I’m sure our forefathers would be proud.
P.S. Cock-blocking would be much easier if you wouldn’t wear this shirt everywhere!
I am fairly certain we don’t have the same forefathers.
*raises hand* I will get the Wooly Willy tattoo. And you have to be there. 🙂