Clear your dance card…
15 December 2006
CONVERSION NOTICE: This is one of 250+ blogs that originally appeared on MySpace. I’ve done my best to represent it with as much historical accuracy as possible, but there are limitations. Read about it in the FAQ.
Current Mood: excited
… because I’m coming home, and I’m here to stay.
too many wordsm and right now i am painstakingly writing this brief hello to indicate that i did. indeed read it.][[[[
as you can tell my now, fingers are quite outside the realm of the executyve fuctions of my higher brain. they’re like small squabbling animals clacking at the keys (“i want this one 3333333333333333333333-NO, I WANT IT rweeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…’ AND SO ON).
to be quite honest with you right now, i am prescently under the influence of not one, not two, but three different chemicals which are having various strange interactions on the keyboard. in the dim light of my room, it looks like two small rodents scrabbling over food and who gets to push what button.
what brutal ends we’ve come to to discover our true nature. at least in this painful hour…..
in all honesty, benjamin, i have come to the conclusion tht i have absolutely no qualms whatsoever about trying new chemicals. these fucks really have NO IDEA what they’ve made.. the entire 80’s and 90’s was a collossal experimentation. i mean the thought that “we should have this brain thing figured out by now” even though we didnt, but fuck that and full steam ahead! the end can’t be far ahead if we just keep tossing out these DANGEROUSLY EXPERIMENTAL COMPOUNDS for PUBLIC INGESTION.
lordy. someone needs to save me from myself. before my hands turn on me and rip me apart.
First of all, I want whatever drugs that guy who commented above me is on.
Secondly, how can Christina Ricci be the hottest woman on the planet with dead reindeer carcass splayed all over her pasty white shoulders (as seen on the cover of that magazine)? That’s just disgusting, and I am not even a vegetarian. Not to mention that nasty mole she’s got near her boob. *shudders*