Come to wish me an Unhappy Birthday?
19 June 2006
CONVERSION NOTICE: This is one of 250+ blogs that originally appeared on MySpace. I’ve done my best to represent it with as much historical accuracy as possible, but there are limitations. Read about it in the FAQ.
Current Mood:
I hope you brought a wool scarf. They breathe well in hot weather. Uh, yeah. That’s all I got for now BFF. First bit of sarcasm in days. Might have pulled something doing it. Have to get back to you on this blog.
Well don’t think I don’t appreciate the effort. Next time, stretch first!
Will it make you feel better if I make you my Maid of Honor and you get to wear a tutu like the hippos in Fantasia? Awww, you would be such a cute Maid of Honor! 🙂
I wish I could be there for your birthday! I haven’t forgotten! I am still wondering to get the guy who can afford to buy himself anything he wants….hmmm.
<3 you!
Dude – I got news this morning that is even MORE important then our birthdays this week….BILLY OCEAN IS TOURING THIS SUMMER!!!!!!
btw – my b-day is actually today. I took off work 🙂
Damn the gaggle of Cancers I know! I have a birthday to attend on Saturday… why does everyone have to be responsible adults and not be able to party on Sundays?!
There must be some way I can say Happy Birfday in person! 😛
Cat’s by definition are sleek, svelte and graceful. Pigeons, regardless of color, are rats with wings. But I should mention, you’re shedding and you need to shave your whiskers. I won’t even get into the tail.
I am a few years up on you in birthdays. They can never be about a day or a weekend or a month. (though celebrating a month… not so bad an idea) The happiness of a birthday can be defined in moments – long or short, in laughter – with or without snorts, and in the memories that come of those moments of laughter. Oh, and by the consumption level of cake and ice cream.
Your world is growing in leaps and bounds. You played in a “sports bar”. 50% of those two words isn’t even something you use in your vocabulary 100% of the time. But I guess if it makes good water cooler talk, then go with it. If anyone asks, as a feline, you play for the Cincinatti Bengals or the Caroline Panthers. You’re the mascot.
I have stretched. I am on my way back. Even BFF’s go on vacation sometimes.
I’m so glad you were there, even if you did leave early. Should have just gotten shit-faced and danced and hooked up with a bridesmaid. Sorry if everyone (meaning my dad) kept asking if it was weird for you. Sorry we played My Girl. But I’m so glad you were there. You HAVE to be there for important stuff. Um, even if I’m never there at your shows. (I will come to one SOMEDAY, I swear.) Anyways, just, ya know, thanks ‘n’ stuff.