Benjamin: 1, Couch: 0
20 March 2006
CONVERSION NOTICE: This is one of 250+ blogs that originally appeared on MySpace. I’ve done my best to represent it with as much historical accuracy as possible, but there are limitations. Read about it in the FAQ.
Current Mood:
If you need some additional structural support to hold up your couch, I’d be happy to lend my bridesmaid’s dress. Now that prom is over, don’t think I’ll be needing it.

There are a couple stories to tell about Thursday night at Hotel Utah. First, let’s start with the panties. Only one pair of panties was sniffed that night…by two men. I knew it would happen eventually, BF and BFF would just get rid of me, the middle woman and there you go.

I hope you washed those hand-washed delicates when you got home, cause you never know where they’ve been…

You can see Shel pointing, but I can almost hear her shouting, “Look at the panties all over the floor you jackasses!”

Then there’s the story about the Guiness balloon that seemed to be attacking you and Orlie.

Never fear, Nut Job took care of it in the end:

We’re still waiting for No. 10 on the list. It was our hand-picked panty-throwing theme song, but it truly was another grand show:
It’s no April Fool’s Day Joke, expect to see two gals from The Gang at 80’s Club Addiction.
Does your Gretsch sound
Sigh. Once again. My thoughts threw up in the form of typing too much via my fingers. To complete my lengthy commentary…
Does your Gretsch sound like it’s missing the ‘s’???
please return my panties that i threw on stage when you get a minute. mine is the leopard print thong with lacey frills, extra extra large.
i need them back asap…. for… something.
Every single time I read your blog about someone throwing panties on stage, I instantly get grossed out thinking they are soiled. I have a dirty mind.
i could have had that couch like new like that *snaps my fingers* i love getting dirty 😉 i’m happy to hear the show went great… but so far i’m seeing that all the shows are fantastic! and i cant wait to see for myself when you come down to l.a. i hope i get a chance to chit chat with you… i’m sure you’ll be a busy boy with all your friends down here… well i hope you have a wounderful rest of the week…and i’ll talk to you soon.
and let me add… you look very handsome in that suit
OMG! I had the same reaction after first seeing “Frequency” in the theatres, and then I saw it a few months ago, and had the same reaction!
I must add the best quote from the night of the wedding: “Hey, cool hair man. Are you a jazz musician?”. Now, if he really considered the situation, #1 he would realize that he is a jackass. #2 he would have noticed that the “jazz musician” was the only one at the wedding wearing a hat. #3 he is a jackass. That hat should have been mine.
The rumors are true. LumberJill and MoonsOverMyHammy are road trippin.
Uh, excuse me, but where is the purple suit?! It didn’t die did it? It didn’t die a violent and horrible and purple-tear-stained death did it? I sure hope not. Too many memories. What was that? This event wasn’t suitable for a purple suit? I beg to differ. That suit saw many formal occasions. Not JUST Planet Hollywood. I demand a return of the purple suit.