Flotsam And Jetsam
6 January 2006
CONVERSION NOTICE: This is one of 250+ blogs that originally appeared on MySpace. I’ve done my best to represent it with as much historical accuracy as possible, but there are limitations. Read about it in the FAQ.
Current Mood:
You are becoming a lesbian. Jared already is one. And I mean that with love. 🙂
hey, remember that time i came back from the bathroom and immediately gave you a shoulder massage cause you were so stressed out?
i pissed all over my hands and didn’t wash them right before that.
fucking owned :]
It did not stand out to me that you’d used those two particular words and I must admit, that now, I’m feeling a bit violated Ben.
There is a woman at work on this floor who always waits til the last minute to pee. She rushes in, pees without use of a seat cover and rushes out without washing her hands. She is so fast, I can’t even identify her by an under the stall shoe glance. I’m amazed she even has time to work around her panties to pee. Mark my words, I will find her and not only place some seat covers on her chair at work, but leave a Costco size bottle of hand sanitizer on her desk.
Oh and I once caught a flight from Chicago to Oakland and one of the music channels was nothing but Sarah McLachlan meaning I cried the entire flight back. Well, there were other factors, but still, “I Love You” is a song that touches a heartbroken soul. On the Nano this morning, “Possession” played right after Love and Rocket’s “So Alive” and before Moz’s heavenly “The Never Played Symphonies”.